Thursday 16 February 2012

Waking Up

I try to ignore the signs of life around me and I resent my lethargic conscious mind,
Because it tells me I’m here for another day.
And despite my debilitating responsibilities stampeding towards me,
My body refuses to recognise any form of urgency.
Nothing matters
Because I’m in bed and I don’t want to wake up.

A while passes and as if by the will of nature my eyes open despite my silent pleas.
They trail lazily towards the window and out onto the thousand shades of grey,
The misery of it continues to relentlessly dissolve any remaining hope I may have had to leave the armour of my bed.

But then, through the fog that has become my morning friend,
A circle of familiarity comes into focus.
Becoming clearer, I recognise two eyes the colour even whilst awake I can never make out.
And then I see the smile that I always could.
Maybe I will get up today.

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